Pe măsură ce oamenii continuă să se lupte într-o economie globală stagnantă, gândurile rândul său, în mod frecvent spre moduri de a câștiga câțiva dolari în plus.
Sigur, aveți posibilitatea să lucreze ore suplimentare sau de a lua pe un al doilea loc de muncă pentru a stimula linia de fund lunar. Cu toate acestea, convențional „timp pentru bani“ formulă merge doar până în prezent, mai ales dacă aceasta înseamnă a pierde serile prețioase și week-end cu familia ta.
Internetul este mai mult decât o sursă de știri și bârfe de divertisment. Astăzi, zeci de miliarde de dolari sunt schimbate printr-o multitudine de activități legitime. Tot mai mulți oameni încep propria afacere pe internet și de a face bani în plus on-line. Unii sunt chiar de cotitură asociații lor online în afaceri pe Internet full-time.
Aici, ne uităm la cinci (5) moduri de a face bani online, care nu va necesita o mulțime de timp sau tăiate în rutina obișnuită. Gândiți-vă la aceste opțiuni ca surse suplimentare de venit, cu potențial, în unele cazuri, pentru a fi un întreg lot mai mult.
Table of Contents
1. Incepand propria blog sau E-commerce site-ul
Prima cale este una dintre cele mai populare moduri; începe un site de blog / e-commerce.
Luați în considerare având o prezență permanentă pe on – line prin punerea propriul site. Utilizați – l pentru a partaja hobby – uri, gânduri și pasiuni, cu alții și de a folosi pagina dvs. pentru a face conexiuni reale cu oameni. Mecanica sunt simple, și veți fi în măsură să profite de publicitate online ( de exemplu , Google Adwords), de marketing afiliat ( vezi slide -ul următor ), precum și liste bazate pe abonat pentru a produce un flux constant de venituri. Există mai multe moduri de a face bani cu un blog.
This is one of the fastest ways to get your own piece of “virtual real estate”.
2. Affiliate Marketing
Even if you don’t have your own products or services to sell, affiliate marketing gives you a chance to earn strong commissions through a series of one-time sales. Online merchants provide you with an affiliate website (or a simple affiliate tracking link) and marketing support – all you have to do is promote the company with your link via social media, search engines or perhaps ideally your own website (see above).
The great thing about affiliate marketing is you don’t have to create your own products, you don’t have to provide any customer support, and you don’t have to create your own marketing materials.
All you have to do is pick a profitable market, promote the products as an affiliate and earn a commission anytime a sale is made. Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money online.
3. Online Publishing (E-books)
Regardless of your current occupation and lifestyle, there is probably a book inside of you that’s screaming to get out. Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform has given thousands of people a chance to become published authors and earn money. It may also serve as a way to get noticed by more established and traditional publishers.
Not only can you sell ebooks on platforms like; but you can also sell ebooks directly from your own website as well. This allows you to sell your ebooks for higher prices and get all of the profits.
You can also repackage multiple ebooks into larger “packages” or use the ebooks as a foundation to sell higher-ticket online courses or even coaching and consulting services.
Publishing ebooks is a great way to make passive income, grow into bigger projects, and establish your authority as an expert in your market.
4. Online Surveys
Online surveys are one of the easiest ways to earn extra cash. Brand name corporations and market research firms are desperately seeking people’s opinions on products and services and will offer good remuneration for it. Depending on their complexity, each survey can be worth five, ten or more dollars.
There are many reputable survey companies to choose from, but you may want to limit yourself to 3-5 in the beginning.
You also want to avoid illegitimate companies; as this field is widespread with scam opportunities that will take a lot of your time and pay you very little money.
5. Online Freelancing
If you have specific writing/journalism skills or are adept in various IT/software domains, freelancing may prove to be a lucrative source of secondary income. Increasingly, companies are implementing a content marketing strategy and turning to outside sources for specific assignments, and if you can prove your worth there will be more work available. Even simple skills like data entry may be to your liking, provide you can offer at least 5-10 hours weekly.
All you need is a computer with an Internet connection and the desire to build a respectable clientele. Chances are that these opportunities will allow you to gain valuable experience and skills that will prove valuable in your existing business and professional career.
If you’re already writing ebooks in a particular niche market (see above) then why not make your services available for other companies; as you already have the expertise to take on the niche writing assignments.
Start Your Online Business Today!
Think about it, making money online is surprisingly easy once you set your mind to specific income goals. Ideally, the activities that you choose to engage in are fun, exploit your talents and interests, are worthy of your time, and offer fair compensation.
As the Internet continues to evolve, opportunities to earn supplementary and full-time online income will grow. The very definition of work in an information-based economy is evolving, with traditional full-time jobs disappearing in favor of different arrangements (e.g. self-employment, flexible schedules, changing skill sets, etc.). In this respect, giving it a try can open up new career and business options.
Ahmad Faishal is now a full-time writer and former Analyst of BPD DIY Bank. He’s Risk Management Certified. Specializing in writing about financial literacy, Faishal acknowledges the need for a world filled with education and understanding of various financial areas including topics related to managing personal finance, money and investing and considers investoguru as the best place for his knowledge and experience to come together.