Pur și simplu pune, aveți nevoie de asigurare de viață în cazul în care cineva este în funcție de venitul tau. De obicei, acest lucru înseamnă că copiii dumneavoastră, dar ar putea fi, de asemenea, utilizat pentru a achita datoriile pentru soțul sau părinții.
De asigurare de viață nu este de obicei pe lista unei twentysomething de priorități financiare.
Și asta e în regulă. Poate.
Daca esti fericit singur și fără copii, puteți sări peste acest post, probabil, (pentru moment). Dar, în cazul în care căsătoria sau o familie este la orizont, citiți mai departe.
Desi varsta poate juca un rol în cât de mult de asigurare de viață ai nevoie, decizia de a cumpăra de asigurare de viață nu are nimic de-a face cu vârsta. Deci, atunci când ai nevoie de asigurare de viață? Iată regula simpla:
Ai nevoie de a cumpăra de asigurare de viață, atunci când altcineva depinde de venitul tau.
Iată câteva exemple comune:
- Dacă sunteți 25, cu o soție care stau acasa cu un nou-născut, ai nevoie de asigurare de viață.
- If you’re 29 and single, you DO NOT need life insurance.
- If you’re 27, married, and both you and your spouse work, you might not need life insurance yet, but you may want to start thinking about it anyway.
Starting a family means buying life insurance!
In most cases, you need life insurance when you start a family. Because life insurance isn’t for you—it’s to provide for your family in case you die and can no longer take care of them.
In addition, there may be special situations in which you don’t have a family of your own but may still want some life insurance protection. For example, if a parent has cosigned a large student loan or a mortgage for you, a modest life insurance policy could pay their share in the event something happens to you. *See footnote.
Most of us begin to think about life insurance when we have children. That’s what my wife and I did. Shortly after our daughter was born, we both took out term life policies in amounts that would replace each of our individual income for 20 years and cover the expected cost of our daughter’s college tuition. When our second children was born, we increased our policy to take our son’s expenses into account.
If you’re wise, you might start planning for your life insurance needs before your first child is born. For example, if you’re married, you and your spouse may want to take out life insurance for each other, even if you both work. Many couples rely on two incomes to pay monthly expenses, and if one spouse dies, the other would have to cover those same expenses on their own.
Another advantage to buying life insurance sooner is that insurance gets more expensive as you age. And, if you develop a medical condition, you may not be able to get life insurance at all. So if you think you might need life insurance in the future, the best time to get it may be now while you’re young and healthy.
How to buy life insurance
When you decide you need to think about life insurance, determine how much life insurance you need:
- Multiply your annual income by the number of years you want the insurance to cover.
- Add any fixed expenses (like kids’ college tuition).
- Finally, subtract any non-retirement savings or investments you have that could cover some of these costs in lieu of an insurance benefit.
Next, talk to your local insurance agent or get free life insurance quotes online.
You should also take time to learn more about the differences between term life insurance and whole life insurance, which is sometimes sold as a combined insurance and investment product. Lauren and I stuck with simple term life insurance, and recommend you do, too.
Life insurance is an important part of your financial toolkit—but it’s not a tool that everybody needs at the same time. It depends on your age, your family situation, and whether you have people who depend on your income.
* În acest caz, nu ar avea nevoie de o tona de asigurare, doar suficient pentru a acoperi soldul restant din împrumut. Deși companiile de finanțare a vinde politici care va payoff un împrumut, dacă mori, aceste politici nu oferă o valoare la fel de mult ca și o politică tradițională de viață pe termen lung. Pentru unul, beneficiul este limitat la soldul creditului la momentul decesului, nu o sumă fixă de dolari. De asemenea, este important să rețineți că nu aveți nevoie de acest tip de politică dacă nu aveți un cosigner, care ar fi în continuare responsabil punct de vedere legal pentru datoria după moartea ta.
Ahmad Faishal is now a full-time writer and former Analyst of BPD DIY Bank. He’s Risk Management Certified. Specializing in writing about financial literacy, Faishal acknowledges the need for a world filled with education and understanding of various financial areas including topics related to managing personal finance, money and investing and considers investoguru as the best place for his knowledge and experience to come together.